Difference between ODBC and OLEDB in Qlikview

in one bite :: we commonly used functionality in qv while connect to db. here is the issue we know all of us use OLEDB why it is Preferable here i go with simple words...

ODBC : we can use this and access only relational database's such as oracle,mysql, mssql like,,
using we can't access old databases.

OLEDB : it's combination of Relational and non relational database's
it means the databases like XML,Mongo DB ,, (not only these)

Here look at Image for clear expo   Image  source


Partial Reload in Qlikview

Use: This command executes only Load and Select (SQL) statements preceded by a Replace or Add prefix. Other data tables remain unaffected by the command.

detail view:  Execute particular lines of script inns-ted of executing entire script it can be useful.
-To perform this load we need to give ADD qualifier before LOAD or SELECT statement.
-To separate partial reload with normal reload we need to give add only.
-To replace one table with another table use replace or replace only before LOAD or SELECT statement.


add [only] (loadstatement |selectstatement |mapstatement)

ADD LOAD Name, Number FROM newPersons.csv;

binary Load in Qlikview

Use: The binary statement is used for loading the data from another QlikView document, including section access data. It does not load the layout information or variables. Only one binary statement is allowed in the script and it can only be put as the first statement of a script. 


Binary customer.qvw;
Binary c:\qv\customer.qvw;

The path is the path to the file, either absolute, or relative to the .qvw file containing this script line.

 -Binary statement must be the first statement in the script-We can write only one binary statement in the script
-we can access one qlikview document data only

Resident Load in Qlikview

use: is used if data should be loaded from a previously loaded table.

detailview If we want to access data from all-ready used table in a document we need to perform resident load.

First i have created table1
LOAD Company,
FROM [C:\Users\ZampanY\Desktop\yearsales.QVD](qvd);

LOAD Year as yearreused
Resident table1;

*it won't reflect when i select original column Year are any column from table 1

Optimized QVD in Qlikview

while creating QVD file when you press reload in Edit script window you can observe there it display the file optimized (when you done fetching all the data)

The Qlikview create and compress and store the data into QVD. An optimized load the data is sent directly from disk to memory directly in the same compressed format.
and the QVD loads with a WHERE (EXISTS)

Some examples of things that will cause a non-optimised load are:
- Adding new fields to the table
– Deriving new values from a field in the QVD
– Retrieving a field twice
– Most WHERE conditions
– Joining to an existing in memory table
– Loading data into a mapping table
In contrast the things you are allowed to do are:
- Rename fields
– Omit fields
– Do a simple one field WHERE EXISTS on a field returned in the record set

how to create a qvd file in qlikview

We can create QVD files in three ways

1) The basic way using the name STORE command in the qlikview script
ex: store tablename into E:\suvidocuments\ownname.qvd;

STORE: is a command to store all the data into some another file
tablename: is a name which you have named what data you want to create to QVD file [while
creating qvd file it search for the source file so u must give the same name]
INTO: is to where you want to save
path: this is the location of the file where you want to create

2) By preceding a load or select statement with the Buffer prefix, QlikView will automatically create a QVD.

3) Explicit, manual creation and naming from layout or via Internal Macro interpreter. Data can be exported from the QlikView layout via GUI commands or Automation macros. In the GUI you will find QVD as one of the possible export formats under the Export… command, found on the object menu of most sheet objects.